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当冬的脚步临近 2019年天行录取季已经悄然掀起一角 2017级学生6.7%获得世界TOP10 预录取 26.7%获得世界TOP30预录取 80%获得世界TOP50预录取 93%获得世界TOP60预录取 100%获得世界TOP100预录取 46份预录取通知书…… 海外顶尖名校再一次向天行学子伸出了橄榄枝 喜 报 截至2019年11月22日,天行一中2017级学生(15人)共已提前荣获来自伦敦大学学院、曼彻斯特大学 、英国伦敦国王学院、墨尔本大学等世界顶尖学府的46份预录取通知书。其中,李宇松同学获得世界排名第8位的伦敦大学学院的预录取,刘亦正、万文杰、李宇松同学获得世界排名第27的曼彻斯特大学的预录取;贾正昌同学获得世界排名第33位的英国伦敦国王学院的预录取。熊瑞泽、肖赟、孔钰森、李宇松、周冰怡、贾正昌、宁哲艺、陈佳怡、李喆峰同学获得了世界排名第38位的墨尔本大学的预录取。 As of November 22, 2019, the 2017 grade students (15 people) of the Teensen have been awarded 46 pre admission notices in advance from University College London, University of Manchester, King's College of London, Melbourne University and other leading universities in the world. Among them, Li Yusong has won the world's eighth place in the pre admission of University College London. Liu Yizheng, Wan Wenjie and Li Yusong have won the world's twenty-seventh admission to University of Manchester. Jia Zhengchang has won the thirty-third place in London. Xiong Ruize, Xiao Yun, Kong Yusen, Li Yusong, Zhou Bingyi, Jia Zhengchang, Ning Zheyi, Chen Jiayi and Li Jianfeng have been pre admitted by the University of Melbourne, ranking 38th in the world. 申请还在进行中 Application is still in progress 更多更好的Offer在路上… more and better offers are on the way … 想知道天行一中为何如此优秀? Want to know why Teensen is so excellent? 答案就在今天这场开放日! The answer is today's open day! 都说选择国际学校,听别人介绍一万遍,不如自己去探校一次。适合孩子的才是最好的!因此参加学校的校园开放日必不可少。下午两点,天行一中校园开放日活动在天行一中新校区隆重举行,吸引了众多家庭前来,场面分外火爆,现场座无虚席。 It is said that to choose an international school and listen to others' introductions 10000 times, it is better to explore the school by yourself. The best for children! Therefore, it is necessary to participate in the school open day. At two o'clock in the afternoon, the opening day of Teensen was held in the new campus of Teensen, which attracted many families. The scene was extremely hot and full of seats. "Teensen has given me more freedom and infinite possibility." “天行给我更多自由与无限可能” 刚刚收到澳大利亚墨尔本大学预录取通知书的高三学生周冰怡Hermione分享了自己在天行的学习,她的分享提到最多的是在天行拥有更多的自由与无限可能。来自高一五班的王劲舟同学分享了入读春季班的收获,春季班是个完美的过渡期,自身英语水平得到了显著提高。此外,高一二班李仁杰的父亲李金鹏先生则从家长的角度为大家分享了自身与孩子在入读天行一中春季班后的各种可喜的变化,孩子进入天行之后得到全面发展、心态更加积极、更加自信。 Zhou Bingyi, a senior three student who just received the pre admission notice from the University of Melbourne, Australia, shared her study in Teensen. What she shared most was that she had more freedom and infinite possibility in Teensen. Wang Jinzhou from class 15 shared the harvest of entering the spring class. The spring class is a perfect transition period, and her English level has been improved significantly. In addition, Mr. Li Jinpeng, the father of Li Renjie in the first and second class of senior high school, shared with you all kinds of gratifying changes after he and his child entered the spring class of Teensen. 在天行,学生得到个性化发展 陶娟娟 Vivian副校长以“如何撬动学生个性发展”为主题,通过介绍2019届毕业生走向及2017级毕业生预录取情况,剖析升学指导处如何帮助学生们进行自我认知、人-职-校匹配以及最后的学校申请,向大家生动地展现了天行一中的升学规划。 Tao JUANJUAN, vice president of Vivian, with the theme of "how to leverage the development of students' personality", analyzes how the entrance guidance office helps students carry out self-awareness, person job school matching and the final school application by introducing the trend of 2019 graduates and the pre enrollment of 2017 graduates, and vividly presents the rules of entrance to Teensen Stroke. A-level curriculum is more suitable for Chinese children's teachers and curriculum is always the most concerned issue of every family. A-Level课程更适合中国孩子 师资与课程始终是每个家庭最关心的问题。天行一中教务处负责人黄悦Yue博士、经济学及商科外教Sergey、中美班负责人谢万顺老师围绕A-Level课程、师资团队、A-level申美国的作用进行介绍,帮助家长和学生全面了解天行。 Dr. Huang Yue, head of Academic Affairs Office of Teensen, Mr. Sergey, foreign teacher of economics and business, and Mr. Xie Wanshun, head of Sino US class, introduced A-level courses, teachers' team, and the role of A-level in applying to the United States, so as to help parents and students fully understand Teensen. 这边推介活动如火如荼开展,那边学生入学测试也在有条不紊地进行中,希望你们能够顺利通过测试,我们相约在2020年天行春季班。 The promotion activities here are in full swing, and the student entrance test there is also in an orderly way. I hope you can successfully pass the test, and we will meet in the spring class of Teensen in 2020. 参加此次开放日的李柏彦家长告诉我们:“我家小孩自己想来天行。在深入了解天行之后 ,我们非常认同这里的教学理念和办学环境。在这里,我的孩子能够得到更多的关注与管理,这能够达成我们对他平安健康成长的期望。在达成这期望之余又能够成才,这也是我们坚定地选择天行的原因。我希望他能够在这里成长为与天行毕业生一样优秀的人。” Li Boyan's parents, who attended the opening day, told us: "my children want to come to heaven. After a deep understanding of Teensen, we very much agree with the teaching philosophy and the school environment here. Here, my child can get more attention and management, which can achieve our expectations for his safe and healthy growth. In addition to achieving this expectation, we are able to become talented, which is also the reason why we firmly choose heaven. I hope he can grow up here to be as good as the graduates of Teensen. 校园开放日正是天行一中学生的舞台。通过学生介绍、办学特色介绍、社团竞赛成果展示、课程师资介绍等,您将全面了解天行一中的多元文化和学生们的全面发展。天行的秘密已然揭开,想必您对天行一中的种种好奇,今天在这里得到了答案。 Campus open day is the stage of Teensen students. Through the introduction of students, school running features, the exhibition of the results of community competitions, and the introduction of course teachers, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the diversified culture of Teensen and the overall development of students. The secret of Teensen has been revealed. I think you have all kinds of curiosity about Teensen. Today, you get the answer here. 家长朋友们,不知道在参加了这场活动之后 您对孩子的教育是不是有了更多的认识呢? 如果您还有未及解答的问题 如果您遗憾的未能参会 请关注天行一中12月29日、1月12日 举办的校园开放日活动 届时,我们将再次与您分享天行的故事 Parents and friends, I don't know that after taking part in this activity Do you know more about children's education? If you have any unanswered questions if you are sorry to fail to attend the meeting Please pay attention to the campus open day activities held on December 29 and January 12 in Teensen At that time, we will share the story of Teensen with you again 在此,特别鸣谢居正国际击剑俱乐部对本次开放日的支持。该俱乐部是经江西省体育局批准设立的江西省首家专业团体击剑俱乐部,也是江西目前唯一注册中国击剑协会的会员单位,是一家致力于发展和推广击剑运动、推崇中西文化交流,弘扬亮剑精神的高级会员制度旗舰俱乐部。 撰写:Jane 肖依 摄影:Jack 方晨 编辑:Wendy 贾西贝 翻译:Shmily 邓莹 朗读:Alice 陈李璟晗 Cathy 乐开心 主编:Jane 肖依 总编:Gary 高陆 文章来源:公众号《天行中文》 |
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