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与国内名校同场竞争 天行学子活跃一流赛事

2019-11-22 14:25| 发布者: CEO在线| 查看: 517| 评论: 0|来自: 热点新闻

摘要: 11月的南昌,初冬的午后,微风依旧,调皮的阳光开始无力的下沉,少了夏日的那份炙热,显得有些慵懒。坐下,捧一本书,徜徉在浩瀚的文学海洋;亦或半倚在沙发一隅,任由阳光肆意地洒在身上。然而有一群来自天行一中的 ...


November,the life in Nanchang, early winter afternoon, the breeze is still, naughty sunshine began to sink powerless, less the hot summer, it seems a bit lazy. Sit down, hold a book, wander in the vast ocean of literature, or half lean on the corner of the sofa, let the sun wantonly sprinkle on you. However, a group of wind seeking teenagers from Teensen went to Shijiazhuang, where they worked for two consecutive days at sunrise and sunset. They felt the anxiety of unfinished projects at two o'clock in the morning and the busyness of lunch and dinner in solving the battle in ten minutes. Why did they choose to "flee" on such a beautiful day?


It turns out that in these two days, they set up their own simulation company, and launched a fierce competition with the "business rivals" in the company's operation, enterprise roadshow, trade competition and other links, and passed the addiction of a business competition.


From November 16 to 17,  two teams of 15 students from Teensen, Oscar, Nico and miles, led by Ms. Sophia and Ms. Hermione, went to Shijiazhuang to participate in asdan simulation business competition.


ASDAN Business Simulation 是一个以专业模拟商战IT系统为基础,完全仿真还原市场和公司运营的真实环境与决策过程的中学生商业竞赛活动。参加ASDAN商赛无疑对同学们的领导力、执行力、演讲与口才能力是一个很大的锻炼。同时,在ASDAN商赛中获奖也能为日后同学们的文书申请增色,是同学们商业能力的很好体现。

Asdan business simulation is a business competition activity for middle school students based on professional simulation of business war it system, which fully simulates and restores the real environment and decision-making process of market and company operation. Participating in asdan business competition is undoubtedly a great exercise for students' leadership, execution, speech and eloquence. At the same time, winning in asdan business competition can also add color to students' application for documents in the future, which is a good embodiment of students' business ability.


Although this is not their first time to participate in the business competition, Tianxing students are not slack at all. On the plane, on the subway and in the hotel corridor, there are students discussing and studying everywhere. Since the opening of the competition, students have been busy with operational decision-making and presentation. Sometimes, in order to discuss the details of the next day's project, they will stay up all night, just to make the final plan. As for presentation, after each project assignment, students will start to prepare for writing. After everyone's discussion and listening to the instructor's opinions, they will work hard again and again, trying to get rid of the manuscript.



Speaking of this business competition, teacher Sophia, the instructor, said: "this business competition is a challenge for students to themselves. In the competition, not only accurate operation is required, but also high-intensity presentation preparation is required. Although tired, but very valuable, both teams have successfully completed the presentation, and obtained high scores and awards. Although they have won awards before, this time, it is a competition for them to break through themselves and realize themselves in operation and presentation. What touched me most is that after two days of continuous rotation, on the train back to Nanchang, the students, under the leadership of the CEO, spontaneously organized a resumption to summarize the shortcomings of the competition process. Their progress, compared with the last time, is a leap forward, which shows that they did spend a lot of time on preparation, and their efforts have paid off. "



Fan Suyi Fiona: This is my second time to participate in asdan business competition. I'm glad to have such an opportunity to experience and experience the hardships and risks in the mall. In these two short days, we have practiced what we learned in school, and also touched some areas that we have never been involved in. Thank you very much for your hard work to stay up late with us. Thank you very much to all the friends in the same group. It's your concerted efforts that make our final good results.


Gong Ziling Angel: it's not easy to win this business competition. I remember that it was already 9:00 p.m. when I returned to the hotel after the first day of the competition. The students were very tired, but when I thought of giving a speech the next day, everyone tacitly chose to continue. Discussion, revision and finalization. We are not ready for the presentation of the next day until 3 a.m. In all kinds of sufferings, we break through ourselves, constantly refresh our limits, work overtime and never stop sleeping. Although tired, but full and satisfied. I'm very glad that I have a very good instructor and team members. All of them have the same direction and work together.



Success has never been achieved overnight. Teensen attaches great importance to the competition guidance and organization of students. On Thursday every week, the school has vocational group courses to provide targeted guidance for students' majors, so as to help students enter the world famous schools in the future. The business professional group is in the charge of Sophia, and usually it mainly conducts the training of competition and presentation. It aims to train students' business thinking, logical thinking and speech ability.


In fact, the simulation business match is the epitome of the real shopping mall, and its intense stimulation can only be realized through personal experience. In this asdan business competition, students not only practiced their oral English and speech skills, but also opened their business thinking and multi angle analysis abilities, and deeply experienced the sense of achievement in decision-making and team cooperation. I believe that Tianxing students will make further progress in the future and make great achievements in various fields!


Silver Award


组员:涂烜程 邹可毓 邱麟翔 胡斯羽 罗雅歆 龚子玲 范苏怡 蒋路

Bronze Award


组员:黄烁菲 林嘉榆 孔晟亦 蔡可 王启铭 陈欣宜 周悦童

Brand Award 最佳品牌营销团队


组员:黄烁菲 林嘉榆 孔晟亦 蔡可 王启铭 陈欣宜 周悦童

Best Roadshow Teams 最佳企业形象奖


组员:黄烁菲 林嘉榆 孔晟亦 蔡可 王启铭 陈欣宜 周悦童


组员:涂烜程 邹可毓 邱麟翔 胡斯羽 罗雅歆 龚子玲 范苏怡 蒋路

Business Battle Winners 最具吸引力雇主品牌奖


组员:黄烁菲 林嘉榆 孔晟亦 蔡可 王启铭 陈欣宜 周悦童


组员:涂烜程 邹可毓 邱麟翔 胡斯羽 罗雅歆 龚子玲 范苏怡 蒋路

Top Trading Teams 最佳拍卖奖

1st place


组员:涂烜程 邹可毓 邱麟翔 胡斯羽 罗雅歆 龚子玲 范苏怡 蒋路

撰写:Karen 周书游

摄影:Sophia 罗佩瑶

编辑:Jane 肖依

翻译:Shmily 邓莹

朗读:George 汤俊洋

           Alice 陈李璟晗

主编:Jane 肖依

总编:Gary 高陆



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