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2019-11-8 14:14| 发布者: CEO在线| 查看: 547| 评论: 0|来自: 热点新闻

摘要: 2019年9月21日,AMC澳大利亚数学竞赛落下帷幕,天行学子再次为校出战,披荆斩棘,斩获佳绩! 9.21,2019,AMC Australia mathematics competition is over.Teensen students are fighting for the school again. They ...


9.21,2019,AMC Australia mathematics competition is over.Teensen students are fighting for the school again. They have made great achievements!

难度说明:该赛事从小学到高中分为 ABCDE 5个难度级别,E是难度最高的一个等级,此次天行学子参加的正是E等级的比赛!

The event is divided into five difficulty levels from primary school to high school, e is the most difficult level. This time, Teensen students are participating in the e-level competition!



•Peter O'Halloran 成就奖,满分的同学将获得该奖项    


•卓越奖(Prize):A-E 级别排名前0.3%

•一等奖(High Distinction):A-D级别排名前3% / E 级别排名前5%

•二等奖(Distinction):A-D级别排名前 20% / E 级别排名前 25%

•三等奖(Credit):A-D级别排名前 55% / E 级别排名前 60%



二等奖:黄妍 Christa

Second award:Christa

三等奖:罗雅歆 Cecilia、朱浩源 Jo、熊博阳 Leo、程天翊Daniel

Third Award:Cecilia、Jo、Leo、Daniel

数学技能奖:张鹤同 Neo、涂烜程 Oscar、付艺菲 Ella

Mathematics skill Award:Neo、Oscar、Ella


The instructor of this competition is Dr. Luo Chang Jeremy, the leader of mathematics discipline of Teensen No.1 middle school. In order to coach the students in the competition, Dr. Luo sacrificed a lot of rest time, and each problem had a variety of solutions in advance, so that they could better spread their thinking in the classroom. Talking about the math competition, he said: "I expected that the student of Teensen won the prize. Usually in the teaching and research of teachers, we pay special attention to the competition training for teachers. At the same time, in the usual teaching, our teacher will also intentionally carry on the knowledge connection to the students, improve the students' competition consciousness. "


As the subject teacher of the students participating in the competition, Ms. Hu linli Lesley said: "the cultivation of mathematics ability focuses on the accumulation of every bit in normal times. While teaching basic knowledge and training skills, the students' thinking ability is trained and cultivated through the way of thinking, speaking and doing. In the normal course of class, I will consciously, step by step to cultivate students' self-learning ability. AMC competition award-winning students generally have independent learning ability, like to find out the root when learning new knowledge. In addition, they have strong divergent thinking and are very active in math class. They rush to answer questions, rush to the blackboard to perform and prove, and boldly stand on the platform to explain their math knowledge and solutions to students. After class, students also like to see some interesting extra-curricular materials of mathematics. Interest and hobbies are the driving force of hard work. The internal driving force to overcome problems is also their strong self-confidence. Every student has a confidence that "I can do what you can do through hard work". If the test results fall behind, they can also treat them correctly and won't be discouraged. "

黄妍 Christa


In my opinion, winning a prize in a competition requires discipline foundation. Without a solid foundation, even if tens of thousands of contest questions are put in front of us, it is difficult to have a good solution. Therefore, as a high school student, there is no doubt that consolidating the foundation needs to be put in the first place. Only on this basis, and then may wish to use spare time to broaden the subject area, cultivate the spirit of research, can we achieve ideal results!

罗雅歆 Cecilia


I didn't expect to win the prize until I walked into the examination room. The examination process is not as long as you think, as if you have experienced a common math quiz, and a competition is over. As the saying goes, "interest is the best teacher." If you are really interested in mathematics, then, no matter how boring mathematical problems are, they will be interesting in your eyes.

熊博阳 Leo


I'm very happy to win the prize in this competition and win the honor for Teensen No.1 middle school, which makes me very excited. I'd like to appreciate my tutor, Mr. Luo, for his profound knowledge and effective guidance, which also made me have a deeper understanding of mathematics and a stronger interest in it.

程天翊 Daniel


The AMC competition is an extremely difficult process. However, thanks to the attention of the school and the help of Mr. Luo and Ms. Hu, we finally have a good result. Although I was in a hurry this time, I didn't regret working hard.

涂煊程 Oscar


After months of hard preparation, we finally have a fierce and intense AMC math competition. Before the competition, Mr.Luo's patient guidance gave me enough confidence and made me feel like a fish in water in the competition.

张鹤同  Neo


As a student who has never experienced mathematics competition, I am very satisfied with the results for this time. In my opinion, what the competition needs is not only crazily doing questions, but also mastering methods and positive thinking.

付艺菲 Ella


Although the result didn't meet the expectation, I think the training process is worth enjoying, so I feel very lucky to participate in this competition. It has brought me into contact with many topics that I have never seen before. It has brought me into contact with many terms and knowledge points that I have never learned before in the field of mathematics. It has made me further understand mathematics, make me love mathematics more, and strengthen my determination to explore in the field of mathematics.


As we all know, the academic and competition achievements of students are the "stepping stones" of foreign famous universities. When foreign universities recruit students, their academic achievements and whether they have won international competition awards or not will be taken as their admission reference standards. Whether the students in the major international courses in the global unified examination, or in various international economic competitions in Britain, the United States and Canada have won national or world-class awards, will become an important basis for foreign universities to recruit students, and will also be a bright spot for the future application documents of foreign universities.


Teensen No.1 middle school has been aiming at five qualities: a (ambitious), B (bold), C (caring), D (devoted), e (erudite) and "ABCDE". It is committed to cultivating outstanding talents with international vision, leadership, scientific spirit, humanistic care and social responsibility. Teensen No. 1 middle school attaches great importance to the training of students' competition, aiming to escort Teensen students to the world famous schools!


AMC澳大利亚数学竞赛,是目前全球最大、历史最悠久的校际数学竞赛。由澳大利亚数学联合会 (AMT) 举办,自1978年举办以来,共有来自新西兰、澳大利亚、新加坡及中国等32个国家的1450万学生参与到该赛事。AMC目前是全球历史悠久的金牌校际数学竞赛,新颖的题型和多语言试题让全球的数学爱好者们得以在数学领域深刻切磋,共同学习,并深刻认识数学在生活中的重要性。

AMC Australia mathematics competition is the largest and oldest inter school mathematics competition in the world. Organized by the Australian mathematics Federation (AMT), since 1978, 14.5 million students from 32 countries, including New Zealand, Australia, Singapore and China, have participated in the event. AMC is a gold medal inter school mathematics competition with a long history in the world. The new types of questions and multilingual questions enable mathematics lovers around the world to have a deep discussion in the field of mathematics, learn together, and deeply understand the importance of mathematics in life.

撰写:Karen 周书游

摄影:Jack 方晨

编辑:Jane 肖依

翻译:Shmily 邓莹

朗读:George 汤俊洋

           Silence   曾上游

主编:Jane 肖依

总编:Gary 高陆



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