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2019-11-5 11:38| 发布者: CEO在线| 查看: 621| 评论: 0|来自: 国际日报网

摘要: Shenzhen International Industrial Design Fair, Shenzhen, China, Nov. 4 , 2019 : Professor Flemming Besenbacher, the Chairman of both Carlsberg Group and Carlsberg Foundation, and foreign member of th ...

Shenzhen International Industrial Design Fair, Shenzhen, China, Nov.  4 , 2019 :   Professor Flemming Besenbacher, the Chairman of both Carlsberg Group and Carlsberg Foundation, and foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, gives speech sharing Denmark's practices in dealing with global sustainable development challenges, and insights on innovative concept of industrial "redesign".


Global Design Value Summit, Shenzhen International Industrial Design Fair

“In order to create a more sustainable world, we must reduce, reuse, recycle and rethink how we live. But it is also critical that we Redesign our products, services and ways of living and working.” Prof. Besenbacher pointed out. “We live in an increasingly complex and changing globalized world facing numerous grand challenges related to climate, water scarcity, energy, food, health and more. It is thus crucial that we succeed in creating a more sustainable world by doing our best to meet the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).”贝森巴赫教授认为,社会在日益复杂和不断变化,我们面临着众多与气候、水资源短缺、能源、粮食、卫生等议题相关的重大挑战,竭力实现联合国17项可持续发展目标,创建一个更加可持续的全球化世界至关重要。因此,我们必须积极拥抱四个再(R):再减少(reduce)、再利用(reuse)、再循环(recycle) 和再思考(rethink),更重要的是,我们的产品、服务以及生活和工作方式需要可持续地“再设计”

Prof. Flemming Besenbacher giving speech at the Summit

Through introducing creative approaches of the Danish-founded brewery Carlsberg Group towards sustainable development, Prof. Besenbacher has taken the audience from the bigger perspective of the present world and the challenges facing the globe to examples of how innovative design and technique can help create a more sustainable world.


Prof. Flemming Besenbacher giving speech at the summit

One good example is the first Snap Pack package Carlsberg introduced in beer industry in 2018, which reduces plastic usage through a glue technology and thus use 76% less plastic. Another example is the introduction of plastic shrink containing between 50-100% recycled plastic, to put additional focus on the need for recycling and reduce the CO2 impact of our shrink packaging. The plastic used for the recycled shrink is partly from our own production, while the remainder is collected from other processes and sent to our supplier for recycling.

嘉士伯集团耗时三年推出全行业首创的啤酒六连包方式——Snap Pack,从根本上重新设计了产品,应用类似“口香糖”的胶水新技术取代啤酒塑料包装,进而减少了76%的塑料使用量,而在必要使用的塑料收缩膜包装中,有一半以上都来自于回收塑料的再利用,大大减少了包装的碳排放量。

Prof. Flemming Besenbacher introducing paper bottle and Snap-packs

“As a parallel to the sharing economy, I believe that the ‘take-make-waste’ economy must be replaced by a circular, restorative approach where we no longer consider anything to be ‘waste’. ” Prof Besenbacher emphasized. Carlsberg group has also been adhering to the concept of circular economy by deploying the refillable bottle, which makes up more than 69% of our packaging mix in Asia and 77% of our packaging in China. This reduces the amount of waste in society and thereby reduce the cost of handling waste-materials for society and municipalities.

“必须用一种可循环的、可恢复性的方式取代‘制造浪费’的经济模式,像共享经济一样,我们不再‘浪费’东西。” 贝森巴赫教授强调。嘉士伯集团也在一直贯行循环经济理念,目前亚洲69%以上和中国77%以上的包装都使用可再罐装的玻璃瓶,更高的回收率的同时也意味着更低的城市垃圾处理成本,对环境更加友好。

Carlsberg’s sustainable strategy ”Together towards ZERO”

As professor of nanoscience at Aarhus University, chairman of the Danish government’s Advisory Board for Circular Economy, and chairman of the Carlsberg Group, the Carlsberg Foundation, Prof. Besenbacher founded the non-profit organization "UNLEASH". UNLEASH is a global movement committed to bringing the world’s top talents together to share ideas, build networks and create viable solutions to help reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It has successfully executed two innovation labs in Denmark and Singapore, engaged 2,000 talents from 143 countries, created 370 solutions, and been recognized as one of the world’s most influential sustainability brands. Moving

towards the third innovation lab, UNLEASH will take place in Shenzhen, China, in November 2019.

作为奥尔胡斯大学 (Aarhus University) 纳米科学教授、丹麦政府循环经济顾问委员会主席,同时也是嘉士伯基金会的主席,贝森巴赫教授提出创办了非盈利组织“UNLEASH”。这项全球创新集训营活动每年荟聚世界顶尖人才,共同分享想法,建立网络,创造具可行性的解决方案,促进实现联合国可持续发展目标的实现。在两年的时间里,UNLEASH已经在143个国家聘请招募了2000名人才,与+300多个合作伙伴合作共同开发了370个可持续发展解决方案,成为世界上最具影响力的可持续发展品牌之一。2019年11月,UNLEASH活动也将登陆中国深圳,开创具有领先技术的创新实验室。

Unleash global movement

“ we cannot predict the future,we can invent it by reducing,reusing,recycling, rethinking. Then one could also add redesign.” Professor Flemming Besenbacher concluded at last, and he has always believed in a value concept: Rethink and redesign the industry will be the essence of creating a better and more sustainable lifestyle for people.

“我们无法预测未来,但通过再减少(reduce)、再利用(reuse)、再循环(recycle) 和再思考(rethink),再加上再设计,我们可以创造未来。”贝森巴赫教授最后说到。他始终贯彻一种价值理念:工业设计为人们创造更合理、更美好的生活方式的本质。

As world largest industry design carnival, Shenzhen International Industrial Design Fair has been conducted for 7 years, becoming the label of Shenzhen design industry. With the theme of "Redesign Reconnect" this year, the fair actively integrates into the general pattern of industrial design development in the world, creating a first-class industrial design brand event that leads the world in design and is the most high-end, international and brand-oriented.


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