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提升国际视野 明晰学业规划 ——记天行一中高一学生特邀出席新东方国际教育展

2019-10-21 13:48| 发布者: CEO在线| 查看: 644| 评论: 0|来自: 热点新闻

摘要: 下午1点30分,天行一中高一学生及老师特邀出席由新东方举办的国际教育展。


At 1:30 p.m, students and teachers of Teensen school were invited to attend the New Oriental International Education Exhibition. This education exhibition brings together more than 100 high-quality well-known colleges and Universities Enrollment representatives from the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and other popular countries and regions studying abroad, bringing the most foreword information about studying abroad, as well as the latest official news of IELTS test, and through the big data comprehensive interpretation of the famous schools in the United States and the United Kingdom, Teensen students can see a better world.


"Speaking about the purpose of participating in the education exhibition, sunshine, assistant principal of Teensen school,said: "First of all, New Oriental International Education Exhibition is an annual large-scale education exhibition, which gathers a lot of resources from foreign schools. Participating in such activities can give children a foreign vision, although they can't leave the home, they can know the world; second, IELTS official South China market of British Association of culture and education Helen, an official of the Ministry of education, came to the scene for the first time to share 'the latest news of the 2019 IELTS exam'. Students can know the standards of the IELTS exam and how to prepare for it, so that they can get high marks in their IELTS scores. Finally, big data on studying abroad in the UK and the US are published on the scene, hoping that students can learn about the UK and US schools and majors from the perspective of data, and learn about themselves. There is a clearer orientation, and at the same time, it can adjust the current learning situation, so that children have a better plan for later learning. "



"After listening to today's lecture, I have a clearer understanding of international education and the international situation. Colleges and universities in various countries and regions have their own characteristics and styles. The profession has its own specialty and clear direction, which is the most important thing in an international student's life. 'Choice' is the premise of our 'efforts'. Choosing our own direction is to lay the foundation for our success. Secondly, efforts. Any success can only be achieved after efforts are made. We should use our own efforts to achieve what we want. A beautiful life is what you get with your hard work. So, in order to own a decent life, please start to work hard! For the dream of moving forward, do not lose the youth; the heart of the thought, forever young!All the places where airplanes fly are the main venues of Teensen! All the places where heaven and earth have tried are the most beautiful myths on the earth! Teensen school, come on! Come on. Come on! ”

——Tom from Grade ten class five

“本次活动主要讲述了How to deal with IELTS.以及why we take IELTS .同时展示了近几年来去往英国留学的趋势以及雅思考试动态。通过解析世界局势,本在国际学校的我,更加坚定了出国留学的信念。相信在这条路上,会有不一样却也靓丽的风景。”


"This activity mainly tells how to deal with IELTS. And why we take IELTS. At the same time, it shows the trend of studying in the UK in recent years and the trend of IELTS examination. Through the analysis of the world situation, I have strengthened my belief in studying abroad. I believe that on this road, there will be different but also beautiful scenery. "

——Lucas from Grade ten class four


——高一四班 Rebecca

"After listening to this lecture, first of all, let me have a detailed understanding of the overall process and test mode of IELTS. Secondly, it also makes me more clear about the direction of studying abroad in the two great countries of Britain and the United States, and clear about my intention direction and the target university. All in all, I benefited a lot from this International Education Exhibition. "

——Rebecca from Grade ten class 4


——高一四班 Rebecca

"After listening to this lecture, first of all, let me have a detailed understanding of the overall process and test mode of IELTS. Secondly, it also makes me more clear about the direction of studying abroad in the two great countries of Britain and the United States, and clear about my intention direction and the target university. All in all, I benefited a lot from this International Education Exhibition. "

——Rebecca from Grade ten class 4


——Michael 老师

"At the activity of IELTS teacher Jo, we shared the latest IELTS test preparation resources and test affairs, as well as the latest big data prospect of studying abroad in the UK and the US in 2020, which deepened the students' understanding of applying for University. After the event, many students said they were more motivated to learn. "

——Teacher Michael


——Michael 老师

"At the activity of IELTS teacher Jo, we shared the latest IELTS test preparation resources and test affairs, as well as the latest big data prospect of studying abroad in the UK and the US in 2020, which deepened the students' understanding of applying for University. After the event, many students said they were more motivated to learn. "

——Teacher Michael

天行一中作为江西省首家A-level国际学校及剑桥国际考试中心,自办校以来取得许多令人瞩目的成绩,首届毕业生100%被世界前100位名校录取。秉承着“办江西最好的国际高中”的办学目标,一直以A(ambitious雄心壮志)、B(bold勇敢无畏)、C(caring乐于助人)、D(devoted奉献精神)、E(erudite博学多识) ,“ABCDE”这五种素养为培养目标。希望通过这次活动可以让学生见自己、知世界。

As the first A-level international school and Cambridge International Examination Center in Jiangxi Province, Mr. Michael Teensen school has made many remarkable achievements since its establishment, and 100% of its first graduates have been admitted to the top 100 schools in the world. Adhering to the school running goal of "running the best international high school in Jiangxi Province", we always take A (ambitious), B (bold), C (caring), D (devoted), and E (erudite). We hope that through this activity, students can see themselves and know the world.

撰写: Jane

摄影: Jack

编辑: Jane


朗读: Ella Vivi

主编: Jane

总编: Gary

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